CHA Policies
Policy Title: Mission, Core Values and Policies
Policy Number: CHA-01 - Initial release August 17, 2011 A Add Section 4 September
14, 2011
Purpose: To define the Mission and Core Values of the Chelmsford Hockey Association
and to define how policies may be waived or updated Policy:
1. Introduction A volunteer Board of Directors ( BOD ) formed Chelmsford Hockey
Association (CHA) in 1960. CHA’ s purpose was to promote and encourage
sportsmanship, teamwork, self-discipline and skills in the participants in CHA
2. Mission Statement To provide Chelmsford boys and girls the opportunity to play in
an organized hockey program, enter into league competition against other towns, teach
individual and team skills, promote teamwork and advocate sportsmanship, all in an
environment designed to instill confidence and foster a positive self image in our young
3. The Core Values of Chelmsford Hockey Association are consistent with the Core
Values of USA Hockey: Sportsmanship: Foremost of all values is to learn a sense of fair
play. Be humble in victory, gracious in defeat. We will foster friendship with teammates
and opponents alike. Respect for the Individual: Treat all others as you expect to be
treated. Integrity: We seek to foster honesty and fair play beyond mere strict
interpretation of the rules and regulations of the game. Pursuit of Excellence at the
Individual, Team and Organizational Levels: Each member of the organization, whether
player, volunteer or staff, should seek to perform each aspect of the game to the
highest level of his or her ability. Enjoyment: It is important for the hockey experience
to be fun, satisfying and rewarding for all participants. Loyalty: We aspire to teach
loyalty to the ideals and fellow members of the sport of hockey. Teamwork: We value
the strength of learning to work together. The use of teamwork is reinforced and
rewarded by success in the hockey experience.
4. Policy Waivers and Updates
4.1. Waivers to any approved CHA Policy requires a majority vote of the BOD
4.2. Permanent Updates to any CHA Policy requires a majority vote of the BOD
Policy Title: Affiliate Memberships Policy
Number: CHA-02 - Initial release August 17, 2011
Purpose: To define the organizations that are affiliated with Chelmsford Hockey
1. Chelmsford Hockey Association is affiliated with Massachusetts Hockey, also
known as Mass Hockey
1.1 Mass Hockey is recognized as the state affiliate to USA Hockey and abides by the
rules and regulations of USA Hockey
1.2 Chelmsford Hockey Association is a member of Mass Hockey District 9
1.3 Official Chelmsford Hockey Association Team rosters will be submitted through the
Mass Hockey District Registrar
1.4 Participation in Massachusetts State Tournaments will be through Mass Hockey
2. Chelmsford Hockey Association is affiliated with USA Hockey
2.1 USA Hockey is recognized as the governing body for the sport of ice hockey
2.2 All applicable individual players and coaches will be registered through USA
3. League Affiliations
3.1 The Chelmsford Hockey Association Board of Directors will enter teams into
leagues as appropriate and these decisions will be evaluated on an on-going basis
Policy Title: Teams and Coaches
Policy Number: CHA-03 - Initial release 9/14/11
A Updated to add Alternate Player policy 2/8/12
B Update to Sections 3 and 4 11/7/13
C Update to Alternate Player Policy 3/9/16
Purpose: To define the policies pertaining to Chelmsford Hockey Association ( CHA )
Teams and Coaches References: The “Chelmsford Hockey Association Player
Evaluation & Placement Process” is a detailed guideline for player evaluation and
placement and is located on the CHA Website.
1. Certifications and Background Checks
1.1. CHA Coaches, Team Managers and on-ice volunteers will have a National Level
background screening, SafeSport certification, Massachusetts CORI check in
accordance with USA Hockey requirements
1.2. All rostered CHA Coaches will complete training and obtain certification for their
respective positions in accordance with USA Hockey requirements
2. Code of Conduct
2.1. Code of Conduct pledges will be signed annually by the following and will be
collected by the Head Coach and Director of Coaching
2.1.1. All CHA coaches
2.1.2. All travel team players
2.1.3. At least one parent of each travel team player
3. Coaching
3.1. All CHA Coaches must be USA Hockey Registered and have completed USA
Hockey CEP certification and age-specific modules.
3.2. All CHA Coaches must be certified and CORI background checked in accordance
with Section 1.1.
3.3. All rostered CHA Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches will be recommended by
the Coaching Director and approved by the BOD prior to the beginning of the season
3.4. Clinic on-ice helpers must be USA Hockey registered
4. Team Roster Formation and Limits
4.1. Roster sizes and composition for travel teams are defined and limited by USA and
Mass Hockey.
4.2. Alternate Player Policy
4.2.1. The use of Alternate Players will be evaluated by the BOD on an annual
basis The BOD will be responsible for considering all requests for
Alternate Player status.
4.2.2. When authorized by the BOD, alternate players will be allowed to play on
CHA Travel Teams under the following conditions: Requests for alternate player status must be submitted in writing
by a parent or guardian to CHA President or Coaching Director by no later
than March 26th prior to the upcoming season. Alternate player placement will be considered following that of
full-time players. Players whose registration request is approved will be added to
the Team roster and will be offered the following consideration Alternate players will commit to paying 60% of the
Team’s prescribed dues for the season and payment will follow the
same terms and conditions of full time players Alternate players will be eligible to attend all of the
Team’s scheduled practices and invited to participate in games at
the Coach’s discretion with the restrictions set forth in section Alternate players are not guaranteed gameplay and will
be capped to a maximum of 50% of games. Therefore, Alternative
players will not be eligible for playoff games. Deviations to this
requirement must be approved by the Coaching Director. An alternate player that wishes to play full time, may do
so at anytime during the season provided that there is room on the
roster (less than 15 skaters ) and the request is submitted prior to
the roster deadline In the event that an alternate player moves to full time
status, roster adjustments may be considered per 5.2.4 Alternate players that are approved to move to full time
status will be billed for the full dues
4.3. Registration and Placement of Players in Alternate Age Brackets
4.3.1. The BOD may consider players for placement and registration in an age
bracket that is one higher than that prescribed by USA Hockey on an exception
basis and based on the following criteria: Players will be evaluated at tryouts based on their designated
USA Hockey level and birth year Either the guardian of the player or the Coaching Director will
submit to the BOD in writing in advance of team placements the request
for a player to play at a higher age bracket along with the associated
rationale Association will then submit a waiver request to Mass
Hockey, prior to roster closure, who will consider ultimate
approval. Mite aged players are not permitted to play above a Mite Level
based on Mass Hockey policy.
4.4. Roster sizes for In House Teams will be managed by the Clinic Program Director.
4.5. Target sizes for travel Teams will be established by the BOD factoring both
player/team management and financial considerations. Optimal team size is defined as
between 13 and 15 skaters and 2 goalies. Goalies may be full time or part time.
4.6. Non-Chelmsford resident players shall not be added to an existing or proposed
roster unless all of the following items are satisfied:
4.6.1. There is available space per section 4.7
4.6.2. A signed waiver from the previous Program is received indicating that
there are no outstanding financial obligations
4.6.3. In accordance with Mass Hockey rules, there are no more than three other
non-Chelmsford resident players on the existing or proposed roster. An
exemption may be granted by Mass Hockey provided that a roster exemption
form is filed and approved by the programs in the district.
4.6.4. A roster exemption form is required for three or more players who are
non-Chelmsford residents.
4.6.5. If there is no program offered to a player in his/her hometown, CHA is
deemed the home program through Mass Hockey. Registrations can be denied by the CHA BOD for non-Chelmsford
residents at any time.
5. Player Evaluation and Team Formation
5.1. Player Evaluation
5.1.1. The President will appoint a BOD Evaluation Subcommittee that will
oversee, govern and approve all aspects of Player Evaluation and Team
5.1.2. Coaches Evaluations will be completed by the current year Coach/Coaches
for CHA players All travel team players will be evaluated All age-eligible In House players will be evaluated Learn to Skate and Learn to Play Hockey players will not be
5.1.3. Players will be evaluated at tryouts as determined by the Coaching
Director and the BOD Evaluation Subcommittee. No player may tryout unless all of the following conditions are
satisfied: A signed registration form has been completed and the
tryout fee has been satisfied The player is USA Hockey registered/insured or a USA
Hockey insurance form (IMR) is completed The players’ dues are fully paid from prior season(s) or
there is a signed and approved player payment agreement on file All players who intend to play on a travel team are highly
encouraged to attend the respective tryouts. Inability to tryout for any
reason, including sickness or injury, must be communicated to the
Coaching Director or Evaluation Team Lead and approved in advance in
order for the absence to be considered excused Current CHA players that miss tryouts will be placed
based on Coaches Evaluation data from the current year Players without Coaches Evaluation data will be placed
on the lowest team until evaluation can be completed at the start
of the next season. Movement will be subject to roster availability. Tryouts will typically have both a skills and a scrimmage session The Evaluation Team or the Coaching Director may tailor the
tryout sessions for the particular age group and level
5.2. Formation of Teams
5.2.1. The Coaching Director and BOD Evaluation Subcommittee will appoint
Evaluation Teams for each age level that will be responsible for running tryouts,
assembling evaluation data and recommending teams for the upcoming season
5.2.2. The BOD Evaluation Subcommittee will review and recommend the teams.
5.2.3. The BOD will provide final approval of teams and team roll-out.
5.2.4. Roster adjustments may be made at the beginning of the season to balance
player numbers across teams at a given level During initial team formation, the Coaching Director will establish
preliminary team sizes based on the number of applicants for the coming year. If
there is more than one team at a given level, the lower level teams will typically
be staffed with a higher number of players than the higher level teams to
facilitate potential early season roster adjustments At the beginning of the season, the Coaching Director can reset team
sizes based on player registration changes that have occurred. Adjustments to
the team rosters must be complete within the first month of the season to
ensure playoff eligibility. Roster adjustments of players to a higher level team will be
accomplished by the Coaching Director recommending eligible players
from the Evaluation Team data to the Coach for consideration. The Coach
may evaluate eligible players and will choose the player(s) for placement
on the team. The BOD will approve all roster changes
5.3. Addition of Players to Travel Team Rosters
5.3.1. Players may be added to travel teams at the discretion of the BOD and in
accordance with Section 4.
5.3.2. Players for whom there is no evaluation data from the current season per
Section 5.1, and for whom the BOD has accepted the registration of that player,
will be evaluated for placement as follows The Coaching Director and at least two other CHA Coaches or
BOD Members will observe the player(s) at a minimum of one practice or
scrimmage game The Coaching Director will match the new player(s) to a
comparable player(s) on the current rosters and will recommend team
assignment to the BOD The BOD will approve the team placement Any additional required roster moves as a result of the placement
will be handled in accordance with Section
6. Team Management
6.1. The Head Coach is responsible for managing all aspects of the travel team
6.2. The Assistant Coach, in the absence of the Head Coach, is responsible for filing
incident reports to the Coaching Director or Vice President within 24 hours of any of
the following:
6.2.1. Violations of the Coaches, Player or Parent Code of Conduct
6.2.2. Injury of a CHA player
6.2.3. Match Penalties
6.3. The Head Coach, or Assistant Coach in the absence of the Head Coach, may ask
players from lower level Team(s) in accordance with league or Mass Hockey policy to
temporarily replace players and those replacement player(s) to the game sheet. The
Coach from the “sending” team must be notified in advance.
6.4. A Team Parent or Team Manager will be selected by the Head Coach to assist in
administrative duties
6.5. Game Rescheduling
6.5.1. Every effort must be made to play games at their regular scheduled times
6.5.2. The Head Coach shall notify the League Director and Coaching Director in
advance of the league game schedule release for dates that need to be kept off
of the league game schedule including dates for tournaments
6.5.3. If a game reschedule is required, it is the responsibility of the Head Coach
and/or Team Manager to execute the following process: Attempt to swap games with other teams on the schedule as the
first path to resolution and if this is possible, coordinate the game swap
with the opposing coach(s), the league and the League Director. Obtain concurrence from the BOD League Director or Coaching
Director that a game reschedule is necessary Notify the league and the opposing Coach that the game is to be
rescheduled Obtain a 60 minute ice sheet from the Ice Scheduling Director Work with the League Director to obtain referees and
scorekeeper The Team is responsible for referee and scorekeeper cost unless
the conflict was the result of a District Playdown or State Championship
game conflict.
Policy Title: Finance
Policy Number: CHA-04 - Initial release 9-14-11
Purpose: To define the finance policies for the Chelmsford Hockey Association (CHA)
1. Annual Budget
1.1. An annual budget will be established by the Board of Directors (BOD).
1.2. The Treasurer will manage all aspects of receivables and payables for the
1.3. The Treasurer will provide reports and budget status to the BOD when requested.
2. Expenditures
2.1. The CHA BOD will designate three BOD members, typically the President, Vice
president and Treasurer, to sign checks for the organization.
2.2. Receipts are required for all expenses to be reimbursed.
2.3. Budgeted expenses do not require pre-approval if they are no more than 5%
above the budgeted amount. If expenses are between 5% and 15% over the budget,
pre-approval from 2 of 3 authorized signers is required.
2.4. The BOD must approve any expenditure that exceeds 15% of the approved
budget for the specific project or item
2.5. Any non-budgeted items less than $500 must be approved by one of the
authorized signers prior to the expenditure being made
2.6. Any non-budgeted item over $500 must be approved by majority vote of the BOD
prior to the expenditure being made
2.7. Any payments being reimbursed to a BOD family member or family business or
directly to a BOD Member must be approved by 2 out of 3 authorized signers
regardless of whether it is budgeted or unbudgeted.
2.8. Checks for reimbursement to a board member must be signed by an authorized
signer other than the person whom the check is payable to.
3. Dues Collections
3.1. Preliminary dues amounts and schedules will be established and communicated at
the spring tryouts.
3.2. Final dues amounts and schedules will be established by the BOD following the
receipt of ice contract cost and league costs for the upcoming season. If the amounts or
schedule differ from the preliminary figures, these changes will be communicated by
the BOD.
3.3. Eligibility and application of dues credits, family discounts and goalie credits will
be documented on the CHA Website.
3.4. The BOD shall establish a dues collection subcommittee for the purpose of
managing delinquent dues and determining escalation paths to resolve dues
3.5. The Treasurer shall monitor dues receipts and provide reports of dues status as
requested by the BOD dues collection subcommittee.
3.6. Any decisions to suspend current players for dues delinquencies, consistent with
the CHA Bylaws, will be recommended by the dues collection subcommittee and
approved by the CHA BOD.
3.7. Any decisions to not allow players to register and participate in tryouts as a result
of dues delinquencies will be recommended by the dues collection subcommittee and
approved by the CHA BOD.
4. Dues Refunds
4.1. Requests for Refund Due to Player Withdrawal
4.1.1. All requests for refunds must be submitted to the Treasurer of Chelmsford
Hockey in writing
4.1.2. The tryout fee is a non-refundable and non-transferable fee.
4.1.3. Exceptions to this policy may be documented on the CHA Treasurer’s
Payment Schedule page found on the CHA Website
4.1.4. If a player withdraws from CHA prior to December 1 of the current
season, then any dues paid for that season, exclusive of the tryout fee and roster
fees, will be refunded at a prorated amount.
4.1.5. If a player withdraws from CHA on or after December 1 of the current
season, they will not be entitled to any refund.
4.2. Requests for Refunds Due to Illness or Injury
4.2.1. All requests for refunds must be submitted to the Treasurer of CHA in
4.2.2. Only players who are unable to participate in all hockey activities
(practices and games) for a minimum of 8 consecutive weeks are eligible to
request a refund.
4.2.3. All requests for refunds due to illness and injury must be accompanied by
a signed doctor’s note which indicates how long the player will be unable to
4.2.4. The actual refund will be calculated once the player returns to playing. If
the illness or injury is season-ending, the refund will be calculated upon
submission of the doctor’s note verifying that the injury will prohibit the player
from playing for the remainder of the season.
4.2.5. The actual pro-rated refund will be calculated by taking the total dues for
that player less the tryout fee and any discounts (goalie, 3rd child) and dividing
by the number of weeks in the season (typically 35). This figure will be
multiplied by the number of weeks the player is not able to participate. Only
paid dues will be considered for refund.
4.3. Requests for Refunds Due to Suspension
4.3.1. Dues shall not be pro-rated or refunded for the period of any suspension.
Policy Title: Issue Resolution and Discipline
Policy Number: CHA-05 - Initial release October 12, 2011
Purpose: To define the process for resolving issues and administering discipline within
the Chelmsford Hockey Association ( CHA ) Policy:
1. Issue Resolution
1.1. Issues, violations or problems with the bylaws or policies of CHA will be directed
to the Vice President or President of CHA
1.2. Routine issues associated with player/parent conduct or coaching decisions with
Teams are recommended to track the following path to resolution:
1.2.1. First Step: Team Coaches
1.2.2. Second Step: CHA Coaching Director
1.2.3. Third Step: CHA Vice President or President
1.3. Any issues associated with the conduct of CHA Coaches shall be directed to the
CHA Coaching Director
1.4. Issues or conduct of players/parents/coaches of non-CHA Teams shall be directed
to the CHA Coaching Director or Vice President
1.5. Any non-routine issues associated with player/parent/coach conduct, including any
behavior that impacts the safety or well being of a member, shall be immediately
reported to the appropriate Safe Sport listed authority (Police, President, Vice
1.6. The CHA President will authorize the initiation of investigations or fact finding, as
warranted, into allegations of misconduct for non-routine issues
2. Additional Coaches Responsibilities
2.1. CHA Coaches will not attempt to resolve issues with other non-CHA Coaches or
Teams and will refer all related instances of communication to the CHA Coaching
Director or President
2.2. Coaches will ensure that players that are given game misconducts during League
or Tournament Games sit the required number of games per USA Hockey and League
2.3. Coaches will immediately report any instances of Match penalties of a CHA Player
to the CHA Coaching Director or Vice President
2.4. Players engaged in CHA sanctioned activities that violate the player code of
conduct, violate team rules or endanger the safety of other players may be disciplined
as outlined in Section 3.1
3. Discipline Policy
3.1 Coaches are authorized to administer discipline to players as follows:
3.1.1 Exclude Players from all or part of one practice
3.1.2 Sit Players for part of one game
3.1.3 Any further discipline must be referred To the CHA Board of Directors for
3.2 The following process will be employed by the CHA BOD when it has been
determined that discipline may be required as a result of misconduct within the
3.2.1 The CHA President will appoint a Disciplinary Hearing Committee in
accordance with Mass Hockey Policies
3.2.2 A non-voting Disciplinary Hearing Chair will be appointed by the CHA
President to run the hearing. The Hearing Chair must be impartial and not
directly involved with the investigation related to the issue or incident
3.2.3 The CHA Disciplinary Hearing will conduct the hearing and communicate
the results per Mass Hockey Policies
Policy Title: Information Management and Privacy
Policy Number: CHA-06 - Initial release October 12, 2011 Purpose: To define the
policies for managing information and data within the Chelmsford Hockey Association
(CHA) Policy:
1. Data Management
1.1. CHA will use the current Website provider, Crossbar, as the primary storage and
source of CHA player and coach information
1.2. Financial data such as bills, checks and dues payments will be separately
maintained and managed in QuickBooks by the Treasurer
1.3. Data from Crossbar may be used by the Registrar to facilitate registration and
roster development with Mass Hockey or USA Hockey
2. Data Protection
2.1. All players, players parents and coaches will have the ability to manage certain
information in their Crossbar account and may password protect their accounts
2.1.1. Any edits to data will be forwarded to the Treasurer and Registrar as
2.2. Only designated BOD Members will be granted full access to the Crossbar CHA
2.3. Crossbar maintains back-up copies of the CHA database and will provide back-ups
as necessary
2.4. The Treasurer will provide a periodic back-up of all QuickBooks data, at least
quarterly, to the Vice President for safekeeping/storage
2.5. Financial data of members will be safeguarded by the Treasurer and matters
related to dues collections will only be shared with designated BOD members on a
need-to-know basis
2.6. Any data requests from outside of CHA relative to current or past CHA members
shall be directed to the President or Vice President for consideration and will be
brought to the BOD for action as necessary.
2.7. Requests for data for current or past CHA members from Mass Hockey or USA
Hockey may be handled by the appropriate BOD Member
3. Data Privacy
3.1. For current and former members, CHA does not disclose any nonpublic personal
information obtained in the course of business except as required or permitted by law.
Permitted disclosures include, for instance, providing information to the BOD and
coaching staff and, in limited situations, to unrelated third parties who need the
information to assist in providing services to members. In all such situations, the BOD
will stress the confidential nature of information being shared.
3.2. CHA retains records relating to membership so that it is better able to assist
members with needs and, in some cases, to comply with USA and Mass Hockey
guidelines. In order to guard nonpublic personal information, CHA maintains physical and procedural safeguards of data.